IN THE CLASSROOM: At a bare minimum, at least one parent, grandparent, or other caregiver will pass a background check to work inside the classroom as a parent-teacher up to three days per month (depending on class size). Responsibilities will vary depending on classroom and daily assignment, but will generally include aiding students in conflict resolution, facilitating play, cleaning the classroom, comforting children, serving snacks, setting up playground toys, and playing, singing, and dancing with our students. A mandatory training and parent orientation session at the beginning of the school year will cover the basics, and other parents will always be on-hand to assist and offer help.
One toy cleaning a year is also required of each family.

FUNDRAISING: EPCP is a registered non-profit educational organization which relies on a number of fundraisers throughout the year to support our school. Our biggest fundraiser of the year is also our most long-standing tradition: Theater Day! Every spring since 1957, the parents of EPCP have put on a play for the children and the community at large. Under the co-op agreement, at least one parent or caregiver is required to play a part in making Theater Day a success, whether by acting, building sets, running carnival games, assisting with the silent auction, or any one of a number of other duties.
IN THE CLASSROOM: Parents or caregivers cleared to work in the classroom can help chaperone school field trips, help prep art materials, or stay with their child to see him or her through a rough day.
AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Board positions are voluntary and help keep our school running! The board meets monthly to touch base, set standards, and make decisions that affect the membership.
FUNDRAISING: Several date nights and meals-out fundraisers take place during the year, and are completely optional. Some fundraisers offer the opportunity for parents to make phone calls, post flyers, volunteer for childcare, set-up, clean-up, and more. Customize your level of involvement to your unique abilities!